Sports day...
For the first time I joined kawat kaki for sukan.and also for the 1st year I'm being 'so' active in pandu puteri unit beruniform,I guess.Kawat kaki is fun actually.I did enjoyed during our practice time.Our president of pandu puteri also very funny and good.I didn't feel regret at all for joining kawat kaki this year since it's my last year in SMKSS although must stand under the supper hot sun.They asked me to hold the 'sepanduk' because I didn't wear tudung.Padahal evy also didn't wear tudung~ I'm so nervous after get to know that I must hold the 'sepanduk',knowing that I'm standing infront (the first person) and also means that I must lead Pandu Puteri kawat kaki.Of course I'll be worry because I've no experience in kawat kaki at all.But at least still know how to turn and the steps abit abit lor.But but but..You ask me to lead them?OMG~ Before the day comes,I kept thinking,what if I walk in the wrong lane?What if my steps different form others?What if..?arghh!
At last I challanged myself to go for it.Everything is okay but we lost in the competition =( as expected.The champion of Kawat Kaki Bukan Kerajaan goes to Puteri Islam.something funny goes on..The 'sepanduk girl' of Puteri Islam actually did make-up and my friend to me,"If you make-up sure we will win!" lol...haha..Her make-up quite thick and I wondered if she sweat and her make-up will be like......okay okay~stop it.haha.not good talk about others =p Second place for Kawat Kaki Bukan Kerajaan goes to Pengakap,I think.While champion for Kawat Kaki Kerajaan goes to...Kadet Polis Wanita! expected?Second place is PKBM.Rumah LAKSAMANA won in the kawat kaki and second place is rumah Mahkota.haha~
Some good news here!
This year,Kejohanan Olahraga yang ke-59,Champion goes to...LAKSAMANA!!!finally...Laksama won!maybe it knows that I'm going to leave the school that's why?=p don't want to dissapoint me.haha.Second place,if not mistaken is Mahkota and third goes to Paduka.Last?you know which rumah dy right?keke.Damn happy.This year I really enjoy the Kejohanan Olahraga.Oh ya,congratz to my beloved bf,Amirtha for giving 'sumbangan' to rumah Laksama by gaining the second place in acara Lompat Tinggi Bawah 18 Tahun.And also to lilian..Third place in acara Lari 100 Meter(if not mistaken) and...(forget dy) paise *.* Anyway,congratz!!
ps: maybe will upload some kawat kaki picture if I got it form my friends